" Organizations can now create and deliver rich conversational support solutions across multiple channels and improve support team productivity by using the CCI portal to create intelligent customer-facing virtual assistants that support live agents and conversation management.
The portal allows content authors to create, touch, improve and monitor the AI knowledge based bots. "
home page
The home (landing) page includes overview bot performance and recent activities. The action cards give users quick access to their top priorities.
Users can check the performance of the virtual agent and find out what needs to be worked on.
Intent = user's intention/need. Content authors define the intent & triggers here.
Dialogs are used to build and modify the knowledge for virtual agent bot. Content authors create logic trees to solve the requirement in intents. Users can quickly figure out where went wrong based on the note traffic.
Dialogs with note detail open
Answer editor (1st version)
Content authors can edit it throw Markdown or Json. Template based answer authoring was shipped the next year.
The Microsoft & Azure design & brand guide was adopted for color, fonts, icons, action components.