Healthcare Communication Platform

In the end of 2017, I joint 3 other friends with a goal to build a communication solution for Medical organizations.

We shipped BloomText in half year and it was used by over a hundred active users by the end of 2018.

The challenge was to design a communication platform that is scaleable for future product growth, and at the same time also feasible to be built with in 3 months time frame with a 2-3 engineers team.
Founding designer
Bloom Text

Discover insights through our users

From interviewing and observing targeted clinics, we found the technology they used was dated, including using Fax machine to send hundreds of pages documents, texting/paging each other over personal cell phones when can't reach by emails. There were very limited securied and afforable solutions.

Every week or so, I’ll meet some doctors and stuff in different networks to interview them and get early feedback to make sure the product we are developing solve their true problems.


Mobile app

System settings

Over weekly followups,  multiple doctors mentioned they’d like a highly customizable notification function because they don’t want to get disturbed in the cases like during Medical procedures.

Profile page

Key screens